I’m really excited about our guest today, Tom McMillen. Tom’s resume is amazing—University of Maryland basketball alum, Hall of Famer, Rhodes Scholar, U.S. Olympian, he played in the NBA, had a successful career as a U.S. congressman, accomplished entrepreneur—but now runs the Lead 1 Association for College Athletics. We cover a number of topics all around the student-athlete experience.
There’s no one more qualified than Tom McMillen to talk about the student-athlete journey—and we do just that. We cover the landscape of college athletics all the way into specific examples of the student-athlete experience, their opportunities, and even some of the challenges many young people face today. It’s a great discussion and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Let’s jump in.
What’s covered:
- [04:00] What is Lead 1?
- [07:10] Lead 1’s mission
- [09:50] How did Tom’s experience as a student-athlete prepare him for his current role?
- [11:00] The work Lead 1 does and the challenges they face
- [14:15] How Tom’s work in congress is now helping Lead 1
- [17:00] Value of the Student-Athlete experience and the scholarship a student-athlete receives
- [21:50] Tom’s memories with former student-athletes in congress
- [23:40] The current state of the student-athlete experience
- [26:00] How to improve the student-athlete experience
- [30:51] Successfully making the transition from college athletics
Next Play Podcast Episode 2 | Tom McMillen: Director of Lead 1, ex-NBA player, and former U.S. Congressman
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