Coach K and Coach Cal brought this discussion to the forefront recently–where you choose to go to school has an impact on the rest of your life, in particular your Life After Sport.

With respect to Coach K and Coach Cal, they are Hall of Fame competitors getting after it in the recruiting battles.

Disclaimer here – I am only using this article as an example to bring to light a much broader theme – college coaches are recruiting on Life After Sport and this is outstanding.

With national graduation rates of student-athletes at an all time high of 87%, gone are the days where coaches can differentiate on the pitch – “If you come to our institution, you will get a great education and graduate.”

Recruits, and more importantly, recruits’ parents and guardians want to know about Life After Sport.

Athletics departments around the country are investing significantly into Life After Sports initiatives (great example includes the Georgia Way) – they are the here and now (and hopefully the future) for collegiate athletics.

Investments into player development coaches, student-athlete development professionals, and software focusing in on an athlete’s development off the field/court are just great things – they are becoming a competitive must-have.

So cheers to the competitive marketplace of college recruiting and driving the discussion of Life After Sports to the forefront. 2018 is clearly shaping up to be the year of student-athlete development.

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